At Package Today, our skilled team of messengers, couriers, and delivery drivers is dedicated to swiftly and securely delivering packages of all sizes across the country.
Contact UsWe’re proud of our accessibility. You’ll never be directed to a voicemail, an automated phone directory, or placed on hold when you call. Each call is important to us, and we take great pride in our dispatchers’ performance. If you need it, your parcel will be there in a matter of hours, as tightly packed and neat as it was when it left. We urge you to contact us now if you have any questions about our services. We built our reputation on friendly customer service, and we’re proud to carry on that long-standing tradition.
Small, medium, large, and extra-large packages.
Passports, visas, court documents, contracts, and sensitive files.
Medical stuff, like samples, equipment, devices, and supplies.
Groceries, cakes, restaurant food, and bakery items.
Flowers, gift baskets, and store inventory.
Art, jewelry, metals, furs, antiques, and collectibles.
Small, medium, large, and extra-large packages.
Passports, visas, court documents, contracts, and sensitive files.
Medical stuff, like samples, equipment, devices, and supplies.
Groceries, cakes, restaurant food, and bakery items.
Flowers, gift baskets, and store inventory.
Art, jewelry, metals, furs, antiques, and collectibles.